The Colorado SWANA Chapter will provide two scholarships for Chapter members to participate in Rocky Mountain region “local” conferences, continuing education, or similar solid waste-related events this year. The CO SWANA Chapter will provide reimbursement for up to $1,500 to each winning applicant to cover the costs of the associated event.
Colorado SWANA Scholarships
The Colorado SWANA Chapter will sponsor one interested Young Professional (YP) to attend conferences such as SOAR, WASTECON, CO SWANA Annual Conference, continuing education, or similar solid waste-related events in 2023. The CO SWANA Chapter will provide reimbursement for up to $1,500 to the winning applicant to cover the costs of the associated event.
Please follow the instructions on the application links and send the completed application to Kelsey Waage ( CO SWANA Scholarship Committee.
SWANA national has released information regarding various scholarship opportunities for Young Professions including up to three $5,000 scholarships for high school seniors, one $5,000 scholarship for a rising college junior or senior, and an additional $5,000 Robert P. Stearns/SCS Engineers Scholarship for students pursuing a graduate degree in an environmental field.
Please follow the link to more information regarding scholarship requirements and submittal. Please reach out to Shelby Bixby at 240-494-2236 or with questions and comments.
Please follow the instructions on the application links and send the completed application to Kelsey Waage ( CO SWANA Scholarship Committee.